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Old Obligation Legle Debroussaillement

Know the rules

OLD, PPRIF, DECI, DFCI, Forest Code, Clearing, PLU, ZAC, AFU, EBC, Species, DT, DICT, Networks, Fines, Structures, Access roads, Areas, etc. Thousands of sometimes antagonistic texts to consult and hours of reading… But also our summary!

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Fire records in the Var

In 2022, an IPCC group of experts warns in its sixth assessment report of a 50% increase in the probability of “catastrophic forest fires” and an increase in burned areas of 80%. here in 2050. READ MORE

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What Are The Risks If There Is No Clearing?

Clearing bush is the most effective way to protect people and property in the event of fire. The risk of criminal sanctions in the event of non-compliance remains insignificant in view of the human and material issues. The risk of criminal sanctions in the event of non-compliance remains insignificant in view of the human and material issues.

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